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OpenStudyBuilder Hub (OSB-Hub)

The OpenStudyBuilder Hub (OSB-Hub) is a collaboration team under the umbrella of the CDISC Open Source Alliance (COSA). Our mission is to support the utilization and enhancement of the OpenStudyBuilder open-source tool. Here, we not only collect valuable feedback and use-cases but also actively run focused projects. Join us to drive innovation forward through both community engagement and project execution.

Kick-off - Monday 17. July 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST (.ics).


This CDISC Open Source Alliance (COSA) collaboration team is created to support the utilization and modification of the OpenStudyBuilder.

Project Logo

Use-Case definition & prioritize

We've curated a list of use-cases awaiting your input to priories and expand this list. Your votes help prioritize our work at OSB-Hub these use-cases, guiding our efforts towards addressing the most critical needs. The results will feed into the OpenStudyBuilder project. Feel empowered to contribute additional use-cases and enrich existing ones with specific requirements. Engage in discussions, shaping the future of OpenStudyBuilder according to community insights. Together, we'll chart the course for our upcoming trails.

OpenStudyBuilder Hub Trails (OSB-Hub-Trails)

We organize focused projects, known as OpenStudyBuilder Hub Trails, where we collaborate to develop documentation and best practices for applying specific use cases in real-life scenarios. These efforts may include creating supporting tools, such as those for import processes, and specifying additional requirements and concepts for potential integration into OpenStudyBuilder.

Call for Members - OSB-Trail-ControlledTerminology

Our first OpenStudyBuilder trail focuses on the management of controlled terminology (CT), encompassing CDISC and sponsor standards. Delve into critical questions such as how to seamlessly integrate with new CDISC CT versions? How to load or create sponsor terminology? What kind of additional attributes can I apply? What would I need additionally? How to use this downstream? How to deal with different versions?

Focus Description
Timeline July 2024 - December 2024
Outcome Documentation & best practices
Supporting script(s) / tool(s)
Additional requirements
Collaboration Support documentation
Join discussion and requirement collection
Review documentation
Create specifications & requirements
Implement supporting tool, e.g. Excel interface / importer/exporter